Friday, March 1, 2013

Here I Am

Here I am, in this moment, soaking up the magnified rays of the sun through the layer of cloud cover. Sitting on a bench that stretches all the way across this south facing window, I peer through the glass over my right shoulder. I see the glossy deck wet with the days’ early rain and cedars reaching to the white sky upright and tall. I always turn to the trees for lessons on how to be.


 So blessed, I am, in this space, in this time.


How did I get here, and where exactly…is here, are some questions you might be asking, actually.


I’ll start from the point that has the most relevance. It’s actually quite the fairy tale journey, like all of our lives are when we pay attention.
I was born August tenth, nineteen eigh- eh hem eh hem, excuse me...


I moved to Seattle, Washington about a year ago in February. I shared an apartment with a couple of people and didn’t have a car. Tesla, a friend of mine who I was spending lots of my time with, invited me to a BBQ. He said I can invite a friend and he would arrange a ride to bring us to the gathering. It was raining; I remember (go figure). 


The one that we are carpooling with is Spencer. I met up with him after a day selling roasted corn under the space needle (but that’s another story). We started speaking with each other as if we have been friends forever. I explained to him that I always felt like water has a great deal to do with the conductivity of energy and how it may have something to do with the way it shapes our reality. He showed me the work of Dr. Masaru Emoto.                                                                                                                                                                                               

Be aware of your thoughts. They are what shape your reality.


Here is another ~VIDEO~ displaying some of Dr. Masaru Emotos experiments. 

My heart and mind are just beginning to be blown open learning that what I have been experiencing is, in fact, real. Or, as real as you make it(;


We get to the location of the BBQ (Rolland Gregg’s House), and walked in. Not that many people and definitely no one I knew.
There are all sorts of foods to choose from. After we made our plate we sit down in a room that has a projector screen pulled down, and it was starting to feel like some work was about to get done. 


I soon find out that this is a “Meet Up” group that Traverse has set up online for this gathering of the Ones. The intention of this is to create connections within the people of the community. We go around in a circle and introduce our self. I have no idea why I was even there. I don’t even enjoy giving an introduction of myself. All I could say in that moment was, “thank you”. 

I was sitting next to a couple, Kat and Sean, which was up next for introductions. They mentioned Las Vegas being where they currently reside. I knew that my dad should get in contact with them and check out what they are dishin’ up. They were talking about a sustainable development they call Kailasa. My dad, Glenn, did what I suggested. He went to a few of their “Meet Ups” in Las Vegas and started a new friendship and connection. 


Next thing you know, The Global Phoenix has risen. Glenn had been working on this Non Profit since 2005, when he was gifted the Global Phoenix Foundation by its Founders, one of whom was no longer able to run the organization. Glenn reorganized Global Phoenix, appointed a new Board and Executive Director but eventually had to put the Foundation “on the back burner” due to several factors.  We now realize that it was waiting for the perfect moment to rise from the ashes and integrate love and life back into peoples’ routines with the ability to support Farms, Intentional Communities and Education for today’s world of sustainability and Permaculture. New board members joined the team like Kat, the beaut and grounded soul I met at Rolland’s for the first “Meet Up”. And in this moment I am humbled to say I am a part of this team too. I contribute by keeping people connected to what is being accomplished here in our community.


Feel Free and follow my blog entries here at the Global Phoenix Foundation website! I will keep you informed and, hopefully, you will become a supporter of the Global Phoenix Foundation and the Cascadia Collective. Together, we can create a wonderful group of forward-thinking people that creating an exciting new model of sustainable community collaboration and development.


 Eh – Hem, Any way.
So this leads me here; where I am today.


Sound Convergence carried on more meetings and quickly weeded out into its core group. We spend time together brainstorming and implementing ideas. If you have any you would like to share, feel free! Here are links to the Sound Convergence page and group.


Months passed between first moving to Washington and moving to Snohomish in June. I learned so much moving north and living on this land of food and flowers. I learned that knowing where my food comes from and what I put in my body, makes me a whole new person. I learned to be more aware of what I take in compared to what I give out. I learned how to plant seeds and the importance of permaculture and water! I learned that how I take care of the plants is a reflection of my ego. I learned a lot, and appreciate having the opportunity to have experienced that (Thank you Gil). Well, after living on Skipley Farm for 7 months, I decided a change was needed, and I am ready to move forward. 


Danielle offered me a chance to share space and contribute to the land with herself and Mary. Danielle is a beautiful woman I met at the “Meet Up” BBQ. She introduced the property she stewards called Our Sacred Acres. I ran into her again, after first moving to the farm, attending one of the many events she throws here on the property. We were aware of the connection we shared, and knew it is going to last.


This land we call Our Sacred Acres is a property in Snohomish County, Washington. It is 3 ½ acres of old growth trees and dreams that manifest themselves in a timely manner …we’re definitely on the path of zero- resistance . The property is designed and set to the golden ratio of the Fibonacci spiral. As soon as one enters the Snohomish County, it is all right turns to the tip of the ridge where this home rests in the trees. Well, it’s 2:22 and I am just starting to explain how I experience this property. Right on time (;


The feeling I get while being here is a tranquil deep relaxation. It’s a place to explore. To explore the Self and to explore what nature has to offer; whether it is music manifesting itself in your head or the feeling of “Awe”; a healing land, a place to meditate and encompass the practices of yoga; a place to dance and let loose and be one with it ALL, as you are; a place to build and create. All you need is within you and all around you.


Mercury’s Outpost is the trading post for the land we call Our Sacred Acres (OSA), as well as (Skipley) Walkto Farms, Evolver Sound Convergence, and Native Clean Energy. Mercury’s Outpost acts as a collective Qi Exchange that creates local micro-fests and collaborates with macro-fests to bring our PRODUCE to the PEOPLE and vice versa! As of today, we are designing a “(r)evolving council” that will be creating a business entity for Mercury’s Outpost and hittin’ the road! We will be attending conscious culture music festivals sharing abundance, in whatever form that will take.  


Skipley Farm is a Walkto Farm located in Snohomish County. This farm has the ability to distribute 7.6 acres of produce to the locals in the area. Gil has been playing in the dirt and loving it for the past 6 years at this property in 2012. Currently Skipley Farm is preparing to distribute naturally organic grown food to keep people in this society happy and healthy. Skipley Farm has the best strawberries by the way. They were a hit this past summer of 2012 at the Snohomish Farmers Market. One of our weekly customers exclaimed “best strawberryies in the market since the 70’s” and yes, they are that good. Giant red candies. The perfect amount of sugar in the 4 bite sized berry. Not to mention the other fresh produced we offer, from blueberries, chokeberries (aronia berries), jostaberries, to kale, chard, onions, cabbage and broccoli, potato, beets and carrots (gotta love the root!) and last but DEFINITELY not least, APPLES! There are over 100 varieties! Check us out!


“This land is our land” as they say.


Oh! And Native Clean Energy was formed by Rolland Gregg! His mission is to empower communities with affordable and sustainable energy. N.C.E seeks out the most technologically advanced renewable energy solutions that develop an effective, synergistic relationship between our communities and our planet. Rolland has focused both on expanding research & development into new energy, food, lighting, shelter & transportation technologies while keeping feet firmly planted on the ground in understanding where renewable energy solutions can be implemented. If you would like to learn more, you should check out the website!!


Rolland Gregg also works with something called the Unification Coil. If you haven’t heard of Marko Rodin’s or Randy Powell’s work yet, you need to check it out. It’s a sure fire way to get your brain melting, in the best way of course.


Well, we are all working together to make these shared dreams and concepts into a reality we may all interact with. We have the ability and the knowing to transition into higher vibration in respect for this beautiful planet. Implementing the tools and sources we have into a natural state of harmony and balance, will ensure this vision. We welcome you. 


Oh! And follow me on twitter if you’d like! There will be updates on my personal “in the moments” as well as information on the Collective.

1 comment:

  1. <3! What a great start to the blog! Can't wait to read more!
