Friday, March 29, 2013

Mirror Mirror

Art as Healing; Expression as Medicine 

Creating Wellness in Community

What are your own current modes of self-expression?
Currently, I write, take photos and dance with fire and allow myself to be, open to, all. 

How have the expressive arts healed, transformed and guided you on your path?
Writing helps me reflect on my Self, i can see where my mind is based on my writing. Slightly scattered or in the point that touched the page.
All of these arts allow the transformation of energy, feeling and thought into something tangible and productive. It all has come so natural and effortlessly. To experience newness to the fullest. When I take photos,  I have the opportunity to share different perspectives of the world. It also allows me to save a moment in a persons life; I like taking photos of people in a moment, without them being aware of the fact. And when that being sees the photo, they go back, to that time and place. It's magic(: and dancing with fire poi, the cycles, the rhythm, the light, it flows, like life. There are paths of zero resistance, that create this beautiful dance. When I first started I was scared to be burned, and when I let go, I realized what I was scared of isn't scary. When I write it all down, I see how reflective it all is; it's life. Just knowing I'm here now writing this validates I'm on the right track. 

When you work, play and express with others in the creative realm, what mediums do you use? What is the power of those mediums as transformational tools?
This is interesting. (Haha) When I read this, I see my energetic field. I smile. I look at people in the eye and acknowledge them, witness them. Be fully present. It's an art in itself; being. 

How do you see the expressive arts being applied for healing/growth/change in your community? In the world?
I see it naturally taking place in all these aspects. Focusing on arts that allow creative expression gives one the opportunity to see pure self coming out to play. It gives opportunities for one to see, literally see, ego on paper. It allows a playful environment where one can take the serious face off and allow what is, to unravel as it should. A better way to analyze self. Plus, creative arts allowing the opportunity for expressing of ones self around the world will balance. I feel there is a need to be in touch with self and the feminine/masculine. In time, we will heal; in healing we experience growth and change that is reflective in Self, our community and in the world.  
Heal thy Self; Heal the World.
I Am Divine, My World is Divine.

These are some questions my friend Emma asked me for a reflective writing project she is doing in one of her classes at Evergreen State College. I wasn't sure how to answer them, and at first I felt like I wasn't answering them well enough, or with enough detail; but when I read them over and over again, it really showed me something about myself. I am my best mirror. 'How do I express my Self? Is it healing? How?' These questions kept popping into my head.


I realized how important writing is to my process of unraveling and understanding my conscious and subconscious Mind. 


 Try answering some of these questions for yourself, and see what your words show you(:


(((Thank you Emma!)))
                                                                           FEEL FREE
                                              & Allow me to suggest some Citta Flow for your ears.

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